Hello I'm

Emir Ozdemir

Software Development Student

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About Me

I am a 20 year old ambitious and skilled all-round developer with a lot of technical knowledge about various applications, languages and systems. In addition, I am social and find it a challenge to achieve goals in a team environment. Qualities that belong to me are; accurate, stress resistant, responsible and perseverance.

  • Javascript / Nodejs
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • Angular
  • C#
  • Java
  • Docker
  • Expressjs
  • Devops
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What I do

Software Development

From start to finish, a beautiful web, desktop, mobile application.

UI / UX Design

Experience in creating user-friendly and responsive applications.


Create and deploy a fully functional container from any image.

Technical Skills

Javascript / Nodejs
Java / C#
MySQL / MongoDB
React / Angular
Linux / DevOps

Professional Skills

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Team Work
  • Stress Resistant

Recent Projects

Coding App is a MERN-stack application that I have build with the intention to help young student programmers with their studies and actually show my capabilities because I have no work experience.

The application provides different types of programming exercises of different difficulty levels for different audiences, such as high school, college and university. These can be solved in a built-in browser IDE with a custom compiler. In addition, users can solve coding quizzes and take courses written by fellow students.
You can check out the project on coding.emirozdemir.be
Foto the pxl challenges
For our research project in my 2nd year of college, we had to create an internship administration tool for a customer where she could manage the internship process for the students and the companies. The front-end was written in Vue.js and the back-end was a Spring Boot REST Api.
Foto stage administratie tool
For a school project, I made the board game stratego with my colleagues. The project is an online game where two users can play against each other. The backend is made in C# and for the frontend we used HTML, CSS and vanilla JS.
Foto stratego game
Another personnel project I have created is the following mobile application. I didn't give it a name but let's call it cash transaction tracker. This application was created in Flutter and helps you track your cash transactions.

For example, you paid for your groceries with cash and you want to track this transaction. You can add a new transaction right from the app, all you have to do is choose the category and give the date and price.
Foto cash transaction tracker